Plumbing, Welding and Sheet Metal Shops
Welding shop service:
- General welding repairs and fabrication of all campus equipment.
- Including athletic equipment, kitchen equipment, and classroom tables and chairs, handrails and stair supports.
Sheet metal services:
- General fabrication and repair of rain gutters and downspouts, flashings, kitchen equipment fabrication and repair.
Utilities Shop services:
- Repair of underground piping infrastructure systems. (Sanitary sewers, potable water distribution, firewater distribution systems (fire hydrant and fire sprinkler distribution), natural gas distribution and cathodic systems.
- Repairs and preventative maintenance programs for control and regulatory systems related to sanitary sewer, natural gas and potable water and fire water systems.
Plumbing shop services:
- General maintenance and preventative maintenance of all core buildings sanitary systems including sanitary waste and vent systems, restrooms fixture repairs, (plugged sinks, toilets etc).
- All pressure regulating control stations for the domestic water system, laboratory water systems, laboratory process systems, including vacuum, compressed air, laboratory chemical waste, laboratory natural gas and the industrial hot and cold water systems.