Tripped Circuit Resets Due to Space Heater Use & Recharge


The Physical Plant – Building Utility & Fleet Services Electric Shop will respond to and reset tripped circuits in (State Funded Facilities) at no cost to the customer on the first circuit trip only. If the customer continues to use a space heater and trips the circuit subsequent times then they will be billed by the Electric Shop for any further resets.


Additionally for safety reasons it is against UCSC EH&S Policy to continue to use space heaters if they have tripped a circuit once. The Fire Marshall and EH&S will be notified of space heater use that continually trips a circuit. If a space heater trips a circuit the customer should either, 1) Stop using the space heater or 2) ask for a quote to install a dedicated circuit for the space heater. Customers would need to fund any quotes, assessments or work for this purpose.