Turf and Irrigation

The Turf Crew’s responsibilities include mowing, turf aeration, fertilizing, and edging for all campus sports fields and other similar landscapes. To ensure the most efficient use of water, grounds services uses a high-tech computer operated irrigation system that measures the moisture content in the fields and then waters accordingly.     

To request a service or report a grounds related issue, please contact our Work Order Desk at (831) 459-4444, wodesk@ucsc.edu or online form here.

Josh Goldman,  Superintendent of Specialty Crews
(Tree Crew, Pest Control, Turf Crew, Irrigation Crew)
(831) 459-2197 or jjgoldma@ucsc.edu

Kyle Smith,Supervisor - Specialty Crews  (831) 212-0529 or kywasmit@ucsc.edu