Utilities & Metering


The Energy Department acts as an internal utility company for the campus, and is responsible for procuring, tracking, and billing on-campus customers for gas, electric, and water consumption. (State-funded areas are metered for informational purposes, while auxiliary units are re-charged by the campus for their usage.)

If you are interested in accessing metering information or data, please put a request in to Patrick Testoni, testoni@ucsc.edu, and include the following information:

  • building or building CAAN number
  • utility type
  • time range
  • Please note - by default, monthly data will be provided, however some data is available in smaller intervals (hourly, 15-minutes). If you are interested in detailed data for a meter, please clearly note this in your request.

If you are interested in water data specifically, simply request a login to the Badger Beacon website, and note whether you are a facility manager or other user who may be interested in multiple buildings, or a re-charge customer only interested in billing data for your particular meter.



Utilities are "master metered" at the whole-campus level by the utility providers (PG&E, SCMU, UC ESU). The Energy Department manages and maintains an internal, campus-owned, sub-metering system that meters at the building level. This data is used to re-charge the different entities on campus for their utilities, and to benchmark and audit buildings to plan, verify, and monitor energy efficiency project opportunities.

Student staff aid in much of the metering process, from data collection to meter troubleshooting and retrofits. These students support the tremendous amount of work required to collect, review, and report on this data, making it manageable for our department. In return they gain professional skills and knowledge about energy management. (If any of these positions are available currently they will be posted on the UCSC Employee Request System website.) 

Though all data from the campus submetering system is available upon request, some can be accessed online. A campus-wide project recently upgraded all water meters to automate the data collection process. Water usage information is now accessible over the web, at hourly intervals. This new system allows for more accurate leak detection, and proactive water conservation. 

The images below are some examples of the exports available through the Beacon web server:

beacon mapGraph